Lifestyle & Obesity Coaching Booking

A Lifestyle & Obesity Coach can provide a range of benefits to night shift workers, helping them to manage the demands of their work schedule and maintain their overall health and well-being.


Lifestyle & Obesity Coaching

  • Improve time management and productivity: You work the night shift to achieve certain goals (e.g. pay student loan, pay for vacation, etc.). Our coaching services will help you get more out of your night shift. We’ll help develop strategies for  managing time and energy more effectively and identify and address barriers to productivity, such as difficulty staying focused or managing distractions.
  • Enhance your well-being:  Night shift work can be physically and mentally demanding. We’ll help you with strategies for establishing healthy sleep habits and finding ways to manage stress and more.
  • Improve relationships:  Working the night shift can sometimes strain personal relationships. Our  personal coaching sessions can help you develop strategies to nurture healthy relationships.
  • Format: Individual and group sessions available

Contact Us

For Individuals

Get in touch to learn schedule a Personal Coaching session or learn more about our upcoming Telemedicine Services.

For Employers

Are you interested in improving the health and productivity of your night shift employees?  Get in touch with us if you’re interested in finding out more about the tools we can provide to assist your night shift workers.